Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This Happens To Be One Of My Pickings

I've been drinking for a week now. Rainar and Karl were here, we bought a 5-liter wine in order to celebrate and they left me here with about a half of it. So I've been busy lately. Of course there's still a lot left cause it's a really cheap and bad wine ("peet") and to be able to pour it down my throat I must mix it with water or cola... But I don't mind, I actually think it's kind of amusing to be drinking that shit all the time...
Tomorrow is the end of my happy relaxing vacation and I am forced to go back to the neverending noise, the pointlessness of being, to the students and my co-workers and I really really really don't feel like doing that. Maybe it is also one of the reasons why I've been pouring in the wine. And I ain't gonna be bothered by the insignificant work-factor (we already have a new wine-shopping scheme with Marvin). Because me not care! Selfdestruction policy. Maybe it's my cry for help? ...Hmmm... NOT!!!

Oh, and could someone please hurry up and abduct Anna? Or at least change her brain for a Marsian one? Pretty please?? Maybe that would make her a bit more tolerable. She's been practicing a new song now and I just hope it won't make me hate Depech Mode (the song is "Enjoy The Silence") because I kind of liked their music so far... Today I was wearing my new transparent lip spike and as soon as she noticed it she asked: "Oh, you have a new piercing! When did you do it?" Well fuck me! I have been here for two months and she just saw it??? That one rings a bell: an ugly flash-back of a girl I used to hate back at school...

One more thing I wanted to write about is that there are some Tibet monks staying here, in this school until the end of November. I'm not sure why exactly are they in Strasbourg, but their presence adds a nice holiness to the place, you know - them hanging around with their red robes and all. I wouldn't mind having a word with them but me be shy as you all know. Anyway, what is a pick-up line for a monk? "So you guys like don't do it at all or like what?" (?)

I have been wondering around town these last few days, looking for a friend, but no luck. Why can't they just grow on trees or come "gratuit" with the wine or something? Why can't it be as easy as that? Or maybe I'm not doing it right? Perhaps I should put up an add: "A lonely girl looking for a friend in Strasbourg. Gender and age do not matter, as long as you are cool, funny and friendly. Being an artistic/bohemian beer-lover with a dog wouldn't hurt; preferably with some English
skills. If you are interested in NS or just looking for sex, don't call." That might work. I mean - I would answer to an ad like that, wouldn't you? Yeah, ok, I know I'm desperate.
I just want to get rid of the feeling that I'm in a wrong place with the wrong people, doing the wrong thing. After all - I do like this sweet little town. I wish there was someone to share it with. That's all.

dEUS "Hotellounge"


Anonymous said...

so,you like EURO-towns or in Estonian "eriti Euroliidulikud linnad".
And as i can see you like germans,because if you live in Strasbourg it's almost the same if you live in Germany.
The punks were skins...oh,that's a surprise!
I still hope you will find some sweet people or smth like that.
Have better time:)
the Hand

Anastasia said...

it is a coctail that is called "Dijon à l'Estonie": take the cheapest wine (red or rosé) you can find, mix it 50/50 with the cheapest cola there is and you get a pretty drinkable stuff. a nice summerdrink (doesn't cost much either!) best if enjoyed in the nature, healthier than cola with rum or vodka for sure. you should try it sometimes ;)