Friday, September 29, 2006

Initial Motivation or Here We Go Again

Fist week of school has come to it's end and I have come to realise many things...

I now understand how little I did to get through last year, especially comparing to what I must do now. I have found out again that the university is all about undergoing the awfully annoying classes and tolerating horrible teachers in order to learn and evolve in the few subjects close to our heart. To apprehend a little more about who we are and what we want to be by the guidance of those so-called maîtres à pensée (maybe not exactly the "cultural heroes" that Limonov claimed extinct, but still a sort of little local gurus for those who appreciate their ideas). Pity for those who haven't found that sort of John Cage-like intellectual guides in the course of their studys. I did and find them most inspiring and motivating. Especially because the majority of lecturers give the reverse effect. This is what makes school tolerable, what makes me go on with more courage. This is why I love all of it so much!

I've also come to understand that, contrairy to the 2nd year, we are being taken very seriously now all of the sudden. As if we'd grown up over the summer. As if this year was a crach course, the ultimate test before letting us jump into the big void called life. And it is kind of scary, hearing teachers call us "future artists" and so on. I don't feel all that grown up at all...

And I'm only starting to realise all the oportunities that lie ahead and how much I've yet to learn. It's almost too much to handle. But time limits and stressful conditions are what make me work best. And I have the feeling that this is what we'll be having non-stop during the whole year. Terrifying but excellent. What more could I ask for!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

All Ends Lead To New Beginnings

Here I am, on short pre-shool and post-work vacation and living now in my new home (keys in the pocket and name on the letter box :)
Yes, I was working during three weeks in a hospital (hôpital du jour) for old people, where I did all the dirtiest dutys for 35 hours a week and a lousy pay. And last week-end I did even more than that - working as a bartender in a nightclub two nights in a row. That was tyring but great! I like working without permissions and contracts. I like mixing cocktails to people and then watching them dance.
And friday, right after my last day of hideous hospital work I packed up my little bag and moved to my new home...

Now I'm living in a huge appartment with three guys, in a great neigbourhood right near the school. I have my own tiny room and practically my own personal bathroom (it took me over three hours to clean it up!). And I'm starting to like it here more and more. It's true that this place is a real bachelor-guys' home - dirty dishes and random stuff lying around everywhere; three computers to spend their days playing on; pasta and frozen pizza for lunch and dinner every day; empty bottles, dust and other mess... But oh well, I can get used to it. I just need to clean up a bit and get some order in the kitchen and solve the huge decoration problem...
But in general I'm very much content with where I ended up (by miraculous chance, as always) and that school is starting soon and that the jam sessions are as great as always à la Grotte.

Sunshine in Strasbourg and peace in my mind. This is one of those rare times when I can look back and see the reason of negative things happening to me. Everything that happens has a reason. It's the positive ending that matters. And the new promising beginnings... :)