Sunday, March 05, 2006

en a marre

Ma vist ei tea mida kirjutada / I don't know what to write, but it's kind of sad to see my blog so quiet/immobile these days... Can't say i've been busy. Ou bien peut être...
Don't ask for news, il y'en a pas. I'm doing things that i'd rather not do. Spending the time i'd rather use for other things. And people. And a project that's taking far too long to realise.
It's the immobilité that makes me sad. And yet all the trouble we need to go through for nothing.
Sensless and useless times get a change sometimes, thanks to mon truc mignu and mythical stories of times that Were Not. Life of the infamous tudeng that I've wanted to live for so long gets me up and going sometimes. Beer and marzipan help in the worst situations. And the new plant I got to have something to take care of.
Iguess there's only one thing left to do (unless we want to keep waiting of course): play along.. This comedy that sometimes becomes quite absurd, absorbed with sensless violence, overwhelming hypocrisy and the poinlesness of being. Don't let it all deceive you, it's just a cameratrick. Just play along and hope and pray that the one who wrote the script wasn't a hopeless pessimist...
Well, and if that doesn't help, have a beer in your own pleasant company and eat pink marzipan!

1 comment:

Maiu said...

ja sina? et toi?
on s'ennuie v6i mis?
mina olin 2ra seminaril, that is my excuse ja nyyd olen tagasi ja vaatan lara croft cradle of life'i ja 6pin pr keelt oma uhiuue laua taga oma toas!
egas midagi, homme on j2lle t88p2ev, aga eks ma katsu blogida.