Saturday, December 18, 2004

Weird French Stuff

I've been in France for long enough now to be able to comment on some of the typical or not so typical things that French people do/are:
The Meals
Breakfast normally consists of baguette (long bread), which you eat with butter and jam (we insisted for some cheese too); orange juice and coffee/tea. And on special days they give us croissants (which are way too sweet!).
Lunch they have at noon, it consists of at least three courses: salad or something light, then follows the main meal. The funny thing is that they often eat fish and chips, which is actually British. There always has to be some kind of meat in the meal (and most of the time it does not look like real meat). Third course (and that I find most bizarre) is cheese with fruit and/or a dessert. And of course coffee! I don't think I have yet met a frenchy who does not drink coffee. Addicts! The dinner is normally as large as the lunch, so in my opinion - French people really eat a lot, but they're all still slim as toothpicks! I don't get it!
The Shit
One of my readers just made a remark about Tallin being the town of dogshit. Well, I can say: definitely not! Seriously, it can be really difficult to avoid stepping into poop of different colours, substances and odours on the streets of Srasbourg! It's everywhere and nobody even considers cleaning after their dog! In fact - I'm suspecting that they let dogs "do their thing" right in the middle of the street on purpose, I have no idea why tho... It looks awful and it smells even worse! French people should learn from the Danish about their dog business!
Oui & Ouais
This one is for Maiu here. I remember how we were making fun of the French who said "ouais". It seemed to us like some down-sound (maybe because we first heard it from Ming) and ruining the beautiful French "oui"... Well, I must admit that I get the point of it now and really can't avoid using it myself daily. In order to explain to Miu: "ouais" is like the English version of "yeah", which I think is slang that became a part of everyday speech. Noone pays attention to it, not even me any more. Man, it would drive me crazy if I did!!! :)
Shopping Madness On Saturdays
Somehow French people have this (to me) weird habit to buy everything they need for the coming week on one day. Of course it is probably caused by other days being workdays and because everything is closed on Sundays. That one I still don't get! When will the Europeans understand that the best day for shopping is Sunday and the best time - a late evening!!! Sheesh!
La Bière
It seems that local people are quite proud of the famous Alsacian beer "Kroenenburg". I think they actually find it good! The only good thing about the tiny bottles is that they're easy to open and there's a little magical sign that appears when the beer is cold enough. But it tastes like nothing, or to put more correctly - like just a THING. In order to compare it is probably more or less like Frederik pilsner or President. That should say enough.
The Work
Does not seem to touch the French. Or at least that is the impression that foreign people often get here: they take their time doing things, take even more time enjoying their breaks and so on. Of course they would immediately argue on that one, but the fact that French people have an incurable habit to always be late is long proven and undeniable.


Anonymous said...

:D Esimene asi, mis mul meelde tuli, kui lugesin seda töö tegemise või õigemini mittetegemise lõiku oli üks prantsuse üliimal erootikafilm, millest osa toimus ka kontoris. Tegelikult nägid need kontorilauad küll rohkem paljaid tagumikke kui dokumente ja kõik ilmusid tööle siis, kui ise tahtsid. Loomulikult vabandati alati hilinemise pärast ette ja taha, aga peagi tuli järjekordselt armukeselt kohvilekutse ja siis vabandati veel veidi ja tõmmati uttu - 'äri'lõunale. Mõnus elu. Kõik tegelased sõidsid punaste sportautodega ja elasid katusekorterites ehk siis papist polnud kõigele vaatamata puudust.

Huvitav Algus Nagu Nilbe Ahvatlus

Anastasia said...

tänan nilbe paralleeli eest. õnneks pole mainitud filmi näinud. mida kõike sa ka telekast vahid!! :p

Anonymous said...

ega see oui ja ouais'i asi siin midagi ei päästa küll, sest yeah kõlab palju lahedamalt kui ouais, aga noh, i better get used to it just in case i suppose-so ouais all the way!!!