I wrote just lately to all of my friends that they are very welcome to visit me here anytime they want and that the door of my humble little room is always open to everyone. Well, it's not!
It comes out that we have these RULES here, which forbid us to invite friends into our lodgments. If someone wants to pay a visit and stay here for the night, they are obliged to stay in a different room (if available) and pay 15 euros per night. They are not allowed to stay here during weekends or school holidays. And if there are no vacant rooms at that time, then...well: "Sorry friend! The hotel is right around the corner..."
Now isn't that nice! It appears that I am living in a prison. Oh yes, well, I should have expected something like that to happen... School or prison - what's the difference anyway!!!
I'm sorry friends! Believe me - I want all of you in my so-called apartment, right away if it was up to me. There's room for everyone. But...
If there is at least one person left, who still wants to pay me a visit after all these news... I would be humbly happy and so very thankful for your comprehension!
Come on, little insect, don't be afraid! I'll still visit you even if I have to sleep in the bushes. And I will have to do that, 'cause I will not pay 15 euros for a lousy one night in a soft warm bed. Still, it won't happen before the end of june and it won't happen at all if for some reason Rainar bailes out on me and I won't find a new companion. Or if I don't have any money. Or... OK, whatever. Chill, man. Everything's fine. Although your job sucs. And go to that Stranglers gig or what was it. OK, bye, babe.
Hi there.
I'm also making a return to Strasbourg and sooner than you guess. Specific information in the e-mail that i'm finishing at the moment. And fuck youth hostels! We can sleep under the roof of friendly hospitals or maybe Ögan and Dominique have their mobiles working now. Anyways enjoy!
and for Hanna - if I don't find the love of my life with the 10 months left and if she doesn't want to go to Tibet with me, then you know that I won't let you down!
hei honey,
( that`s for me and Ketter... we read every day, c´mon...)
aga tegelikult ma loodan, et kõik on bueno ja Rainar just ajas mind kadedusest sinisex sinule küllatuleku jutuga...
muidu istun koolis ja nägrin just urmot ja neemet ja tiiat ( kes silma pilgutades 'tartu vaimust' ja tudengielu avastamisest rääkis) ja aivarit, kes lapsi üle tee viis ja siis võtsin veel posu raamatuid ja rääkisin heli ja kersti ja hüttiga...ja hmm... ketter on siin ja riivo ! ja heh, mitte sittagi pole muutunud... ja pilvel on uus kümnes klass ja ta käib teisipäeviti tartus... üldse tundub, et mulle istub nostalgitsemine ja varsti lähen reeta tšekkama... aga the bottom line is... i´m daria and you´re my jane, so i miss you...
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