Map of Strasbourg Centre
Hum. There are so many things I would like to tell you about, I don't know where to start...
I got my luggage back, but they refused to pay me any money for losing it. I'm getting a bit more used to my room, although I must say - there has not been too much time to spend there. My days go as follows: I wake up around 7AM; breakfast in the school diner at 7:30; most of the days my work starts at 8, then lunch at 12, which we also usually have in the diner. Today I had to work until 6PM; at 6:45 we eat dinner in a university "restaurant"-diner and I spend the rest of my evenings behind the computer.
Work: today I got familiar with my responsibilities here. We must "work" in a small cafeteria where the students can spend their free lessons, do their homework, have a snack, play games and socialize. It's a cool place (somehow reminds me of VHK). My job is to sell them lemonade and chocolate (which I can take for free once a day) and to see that they behave... Today we played a funny cardgame with some of the students. They don't even seem to mind my poor language skills :)
The school, especially the cafeteria, reminds me of VHK because the students are quite friendly and get along with the animators. They have cool subjects (Latin) and a big schoolyard with playgrounds and garden AND instead of the common ring-a-ling-schoolbell they have the intro music of "Yellow Lemontree"! Quite original, isn't it ;)
Some more good things about this place: first of all - the weather is magnificent! Always sunny and hot, which they say is unusual here, but I enjoy it very much nevertheless. And yesterday they gave me a bike for personal use! It's not a very nice bike, being purple and old, but it has a lamp and I like it anyway :D
I might sound very happy and excited and utterly positive, but don't get me wrong - I'm quite lonely out here and miss seeing all of you guys... And it gets pretty boring at work as well, because I don't dare to "talk" to the students. Maybe I'll manage to use my bike and see the town this weekend; maybe someday I'll actually have fun here!
And the song this time is... You guessed it! Fool's Garden "Yellow Lemontree"
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