Aleksandra: an animator who works here permanently. She is sweet and funny and has her own style, I've heard she also knows movie-business and that makes her even cooler. But unfortunately I can not discuss the whole world with her, as much as I wouldn't want to. Maybe later...

Olivier with a student
Olivier: our boss. A typical French guy with a big French nose. He is also nice, like all of them, but yet again another person who I don't really talk to. Plus I have a feeling that because of that he doesn't like me as much as he could.
Audrey (26): a worker here who is - unfortunately - leaving very soon. She is veery sweet and always helpful. To her I actually CAN talk a little, though I mostly do the listening, it's easier for me that way. She really understands and does not mind that fact at all. The kids also love her. I wish she didn't go!

Anna (19): another German EVS volunteer. She is ultimately friendly and nice and does not say a bad word about anyone. She also has the time and amazing patience to talk to me in French. She's all about being healthy/green and basically what you could call the "good girl". I'm quite sure I can get that boring-German syndrome fixed once we'll get along better ;). She just thinks that she doesn't like drinking beer, doing stupid/forbidden things and acting crazy! Muhhahhaa!!!

Steffi & Xiang-Yan
Steffi: a volunteer from Germany who will work with us until January. She is 20 and likes to laugh a lot. Speaks French very well and is very nice, but I don't really communicate to her. She has a very mature lifestyle, so we don't connect so much, me being a crazy little ass. She's like a mommy to us :)
Xiang-Yan (geez, I hope I got that one right!): a volunteer from China who will stay with us until December. She is 26 and quite intelligent. Speaks French just a bit better than me. I have found out a lot about China thanks to her. She is kind of like my comrade sometimes because we don't understand what people are telling us.

Keiko is...
Keiko: a volunteer from Japan. I am starting to think that Keiko and Ming are synonyms! She is a naturalborn down!!! All the symptoms are there: the big calf's eyes that stand too far from each other and look in different directions sometimes; the forwardy teeth... Plus - she does not understand French, nor most of English. If someone wants to tell her two sentences in French, it will probably take 15 minutes, repeating every word over and over (which she does ALL THE TIME, with everything you say!), then you must try to explain it in English, but she still doesn't get it, just keeps repeating what you said with a stupid face and finally she takes out her electronic dictionary and asks you to type every word you just said. Once she even tried to look up "Audrey". She walks like she's flat-footed; wears narrowing (alt kitsenevaid) trousers and a stupid bag around her waist. She also makes these "mmhh? oww! aah!"-sounds, says mercy to everything you tell her and sometimes claps her hands for no reason. But what really makes me loose my nerve about her - she never starts nor ends working on time. It seems as if she has a timetable of her own, according to which she doesn't really have to work, she's just hanging out in the cafeteria with us whenever she feels like it. And here it comes: she's 30 years old!!!
...a down

Marvin (19): spending here his alternative service. He's a rich kid from a typical German family. Sometimes he's a real gentleman, but mostly just a typical materially thinking male. He lives in his small world of wellbeing and thinks that everyone think just like him because there are no alternatives. He does not understand how can a person not have money or not want to have any etc. With him we communicate in English, which is wonderful for a change. He has become my beer-buddy and the first reason for that is that we discovered we both love Keiko (Keiko-Psycho as we refer to her). I can not stay serious when I'm with him while she's around. Just seeing the way he looks at her... it's hilarious. All it takes for us is a glance at each other and we just start laughing cause we know what the other one is thinking. I know it's totally crewel, but did you read the previous characterization!?? Although his capitalistic mentality really gets on my nerves sometimes. Plus he somehow thinks that I always want to hang out with him...

Roland (26): the cool and funny guy. He takes his job very seriously and at the same time can be very puerile and act stupid (hiding behind the bar, dancing around, making kinky jokes etc). He also likes to talk a lot and very fast, for which I make him feel quite guilty sometimes. It's good to have a person like that on the team and I must admit - I would really like him much better if he had and didn't have one thing: if he still had his tonguepiercing and if he didn't have a girlfriend... Although, it seems to me that he would enjoy it if all the young girls in school and also the volunteers would be crazy about him. He does act a bit flirtatious time after time. And it almost worked for Anna, but "I am strong enough..!" Not in need for such stuff ;)

Eric Schiffer: our tutor/mentor-person. He is the school's pastor and also gives some culture & religion lessons here. I like talking to him because he's easy to understand. He likes organizing things.
Marc Peter: our French teacher. He looks a bit like a crazy professor. He is a fan of cinema, especially if it has something to do with China or Hong Kong (likes to discuss it with Xiang-Yan a lot). At first I believe he thought I am a completely hopeless idiot just because I don't speak much. But after I wrote him a homework letter and he thought it was Steffi's... Ha! I'm not so stupid now, am I?!! :P

The team: Aleks, Audrey, me, Roland, Xiang-Yan, Marvin & Steffi
:D Kas ma peaks inglise keeles kirjutama? Igatahes on su lugu tõeline kullatera mu ilemtus vihmases ja tatises päevas. Millegi pärast meenutas su looke Downist mulle raamatut 'Alice Imedemaal'. See kirjeldus oli nagu lõik irvikut tõugu kassist või midagi muud sarnast. Mitu punkti sa oma lõpukirjandi eest said, muide?
And in translation for all you foreign readers:
:D Should I be writing in English? Anyway, your story is a real grain of gold in my inexpressive rainy and snotty day. For some reason your piece of writing about Down reminded me of 'Alice in Wonderland'. The description was like the one about that cat who smiled a lot (if anyone knows his actual name in English, tell me) or something like that. How many points did you get for your final essay, by the way?
I will write in English cause I don't have all the Estonian letters here... Thanks for the compliment! I got 85 points if you really want to know. And my English teacher thought I was an idiot. Maybe I should publish a book??? ;)
soo... WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION, HEY TEACHERS - JUST FUCK OFF! i think u are a thousand time right to complain, the story reminds me o heli's belgian school strories, but as u remember, she liked being outside during the breaks... maybe they love it too? anyway, how could is it in strasbourg during the winter? poor kinds, sitting on the ground in minus degrees ( hey, maybe it's the governments new policy there to avoid overpopulating?!)... and here will go the fertility of all the handsom young French guys, we Estonian girls so yearn for ( ic-ic, giggle-giggle).
anyway, read the mail!
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