Brussels is great! I'm loving every little bit of it: it's big, but not too big (as long as we can take the tram for free everything's fine). It's quite dirty, but then again - who likes clinically clean places anyway. It's an international melting pot, which makes the people here more tolerant and open. Brussels is a friendly city, unlike the French metropolitans. Drivers are not trying to kill every pedestrian, no-one feels insulted if you look at them and there's no problem with giving beer to homeless people on the streets and having a little chat with them.
I don't even have to mention that the beer is unbeatably fantastic here - tastes great, keeps the party going and creates unexpected encounters. Yes, our birthday party went really well, even though we had given up on it 'cause out of ca 70 people that we had invited, only one showed up - Maiu's brother. As Jaan Tätte sings: the ones I invited did not show up and the ones i forgot were there on time ("kõik kes kutsusin need jätsid tulemata, need kes unustasin aegsalt olid platsis..."). So, thank beer for the unexpected encounters which brought to our little party some Swiss, Polish, half-Russian and half-French people! What turned out was a mixture of drinking, laughing, dancing, singing and much much more...
And now I'm old all of the sudden:) Must leave this wonderful city soon. Must take responsibilitys and face the reality again. Must continue whatever I was doing or not doing back in Strasbourg (which seems so small, hostile and insignificant from up here). As if nothing had ever happened. And all that because they don't have the same university program in Brussels...
But maybe I'll come back someday and stay a bit longer, to see if I'd be able to live in the bourgeois-paradise called Belgium. (Or maybe not because Douglas Adams does have a point!)
And our theme song here is "Je t'ammène au vent" by Louise Attaque :)
I don't even have to mention that the beer is unbeatably fantastic here - tastes great, keeps the party going and creates unexpected encounters. Yes, our birthday party went really well, even though we had given up on it 'cause out of ca 70 people that we had invited, only one showed up - Maiu's brother. As Jaan Tätte sings: the ones I invited did not show up and the ones i forgot were there on time ("kõik kes kutsusin need jätsid tulemata, need kes unustasin aegsalt olid platsis..."). So, thank beer for the unexpected encounters which brought to our little party some Swiss, Polish, half-Russian and half-French people! What turned out was a mixture of drinking, laughing, dancing, singing and much much more...
And now I'm old all of the sudden:) Must leave this wonderful city soon. Must take responsibilitys and face the reality again. Must continue whatever I was doing or not doing back in Strasbourg (which seems so small, hostile and insignificant from up here). As if nothing had ever happened. And all that because they don't have the same university program in Brussels...
But maybe I'll come back someday and stay a bit longer, to see if I'd be able to live in the bourgeois-paradise called Belgium. (Or maybe not because Douglas Adams does have a point!)
And our theme song here is "Je t'ammène au vent" by Louise Attaque :)
Contente de voir que tu t'es bien amusée à Bruxelles ! ^^ Ca fait du bien de se changer les idées de temps en temps hein !? ;o)
Je sais pas si ton portable est HS ou pas (du coup je sais pas non plus si tu as reçu le p'tit message pour ton anniversaire...) et ni quand tu viendras faire un tour sur le net, mais dès que tu es de retour sur Stras', fais moi signe, histoire de se voir et de se faire quelques soirées. =)
Et si t'as besoin de quelqu'un pour bouger tes affaires chez julie la blonde, appelle moi !
Bizbiz !!
tegelikult kuulan dresden dollsi okeei!!???
ja harjun pr keelse klaviatuuriga.
oeh, ¨töÖ on nõme ja mul on kõrini ja teatud isik ei väsi mulle helistamast, niiet täna saame kokku ja ma üritan sünna plite välja pressida.
ja friikaid tehti hoopis täna.
ja heli õe juurde täna
mul on vist kergelt tüdinud olla, sest siin pole midagi enam teha.
igaljuhul mölla täiega oma uues korteris siis.
oeh, oeh, oeh...
kirjutasin sulle
homme lähen ma KOJU. oeh, mul on tappev peavalu juba teist päeva, tegemist on vist reisipalavikuga ja liigse stressiga. üha hullemaks läheb. täna pidin tõsiselt pingutama, et tööl vastu pidada ja nüüd tuleb sunduslik hüvasti jätukas. pean veel pildi tegema, postkontoris käima, koristama, kohvrid lõpuni pakkima, lootma, et mu kook vâlja tuli ja ma ei pea poodi teist ostma minema... miks on äramine nii kmplikatsioonitihe...? peale selle ei saa ma oma blogi uuendada, sest see arvuti keerab mulle sitta. vähemalt on see varsti läbi.
okeiiii, ma nüüd lähen ja joonistan, vist...
mis sul uudist?
no ma oleks ju tulnud ja puha aga... ytleme nii et minibuss laks keset kylatanavat katki ja jargmist ei olnud sellel nadalal enam oodata...
cheers anyway!
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