J'aime mes amis. Surtout ceux qui comprennent l'humour divin et le depressionism.
This is another nostalgy-tribute to "once we were young and made things happen". But I believe that we still have time. Some days left of our shiny youth before we start getting all rational and paper-obsessed and wrinkly.
That's why I dedicate this to:
* when we didn't go to Berlin
* germans who said "beer" in stead of "hello"
* red boots and green hair (and vice versa)
* butterfly wings and Velbaum-exhibitionism
* võtted and flying teddy bears (or beers?
* the days when we put chemistry classes into practice with the C-H-O-O-L
* the drink-on-the-hill for any occasion possible (especially exams of course) tradition
* the musi-blackmailing and butt-mesuring
* when Vilbur became my deskmate
* the day we put gasmasks on people and made them think they're under the ceiling
* how we wrote poetry to Neeme
* the one day where the sun didn't rise for certain people because rum and absinth don't mix
etc, etc...
Of course all these events took place during our journey to "the right way" (Õige Tee), there are many more that took place after and that are to start happening in less than 24 hours. I thought it would be nice to celebrate the reunion of Mainnu by remembering some of the good old days when we were smart and scary and somewhat... less normal should I say

Ei kujuta ette milliseid minevikumälestusi te seal heietate et jutt juba inimestele "from the green heart of Germany" läks ;) Aga ma tegelt ka ei mäleta eriti mis juhtus enam, aga ma miskipärast arvan, et kuna me temaga nii mitu päva koos olime siis ilma ju ikka ei saanud :)
Oiiii kuidas ma tahaks teiega koos napsu võtta ja heietada... Seega olete alati Izmiri oodatud :)
Teie terviseks ja minu terviseks ka!
Ja kui nädalavahetuse veedetud saan, panen Maiu aadressile ühe asja ka teie poole teele. Vat nii.
ma vist olen enamvahem tapne praegu kui palju onne ja roomu ja vabadust ja vangistamatust soovin!! hoia lippu korgel!
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