Friday, October 14, 2005

My Meal

It was so perfect today that I just couldn't resist sharing it to the whole world. What you see here is my meal of this evening (14th october 2005): rice and green beans. I can have some ham at the side (if ever it won't be enough) and wash it all down with ketchup in order to get a sort of a taste to it; prepared by the Missis of my host family. You would think that I'm trying to loose weight, but it's not at all the case. That's how we eat here all the time (very untypical for french people, believe me)!

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If anyone who reads this wants to know my actual address in order to send humanitary food packages, just leave your email in the comments and I will transmit it. I eat anything. French restaurant tickets and checks are also accepted. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

teadsa, meil on nyyd arvuti intrnetiga, aga see ei ava mu meile... jep, life is grand
ja su kiri pole ikka kohal j6udnud,

Maiu said...

i got your letter today finalement... aga ;a ei kirjuta nii ruttu tagasim sest m6ned olulised asjad veel ehk selguvad l2hip2evil... raske see elu, aga kyll sa kuuled k6igest. musi