I should be reading my smart art book by Kandinsky instead of writing this. But what the hell. Too tired of consuming synesthésie in French. The art work progressing in snail speed. Almost as slowly as mail gets from Belgium to France and back.
Not much news. I got some new friends at the university, which is comforting. They feel as drowned in work as I do, which is consolatory. They have more time than I to do it, which is devastating. My work (the one with kids i mean), as undifficult as it is, takes a lot of time (more than it should have).
Not much news. I got some new friends at the university, which is comforting. They feel as drowned in work as I do, which is consolatory. They have more time than I to do it, which is devastating. My work (the one with kids i mean), as undifficult as it is, takes a lot of time (more than it should have).
oi juttu nii hullu
lollimat kui tuunakala mullu
peale süüa seenesalatit ja kurki
tundlad ligunema hapukoorepurki
saab täis kõht ja pea
süda ordenitest läigib
teeks veel mõnele vanale munnile pähe turakas
ja nii see eluke meil
kolgata-jaani poole käibki
Next time I will try to put up some of my own work. Once I'll have time to do some...

In the meanwhile - watch out for the dimple attack!!!
kust kurat sa muti selle pildi said? orkut?
ma sain t2na su kirja, demain je vais post the response, je oublie tous les mots quand je dois ecrirer, pardon... anyway soon won't be quick enough... ja jah, vastus tuleb p6hjalik.
bonhomme mind ei h2iri, as it also means young man, and they use it in this meaning, replacing jeune homme sometimes. parem kui mon chou ou quoi?
pildi source'i saad teada järgmises kirjas. poster la réponse...
oi seda elukest hullu... kiri sai teele ja jah... mis tahtsingi veel ytleda ma... et miks sul polM'i saidile linki pole, sest ma ei leia seda blogimist yles, kus see oli...
ja ta pilte oli amusant vaatata. j'ai poste la reponse hier, mais ce a ete le jour libre donc elle va peut etre arrive lundi prochain. impatiance et indecide
alors link: http://minipunknakins.skyblog.com/
ainult et see on tema vana blog, mida ta enam ei uuenda. üritan leida uue ja ka ehk Juani blogi pour la prochaine fois. senikaua võid lookida the blog of my kursaõde, kes on hästi sõbralik ja tore ja kes luba küsimata minu pildi üles pani ja üldse kirjutas trop des good things minu kohta:
ai nää, läkski õnneks: uus PolM blog:
how come it's always me who writes all the comments in my blog?
where are people? am i really that desperate to leave an image of being popular? hehe.
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