I just heard the following story:
Marvin was on the 5th floor (where all the volunteer girls live) with Madame Perrin (our so-called landlady, who takes care of our lodgment and catering and watches over us like an eagle and is shortly-put a tight bitch that everyone hates) to hand out the lunch money for this weekend. They knocked on everyone's doors, but no-one answered, so Marvin went downstairs. Suddenly he heard a key turning up on the 5th and found that a bit curious. He quietly snuck back upstairs and peeped over the corner and then he saw - Mme Perrin coming out of Keiko's room...
He also said that sometimes he leaves his room unlocked when leaving and a bit later, when he comes back, it's locked. Strange, huh?!
She has the keys for everyone's rooms here and apparently is also using them quite actively. That means that she has access to all my personal things, all my little "secrets" that I'd rather keep to myself (how often I clean or what pictures are hanging on my walls etc). She has free access to the only place that I can call my little private personal space here. And what if she's not just a tart old brawd, but also a kinky bitch who entertains herself by going through people's underwear and stuff!
And there's nothing we could do about it 'cause she's the boss here. I find this very disturbing!!!
In memoriam Alain Buffard
11 years ago
Annu, sa oled ju nupukas plika, sea talle lõks. Sa tead kindlasti mõnda pilapoodi, kus müüakse igasuguseid vedelikke ja muid veidrusi, mis võivad, ütleme, inimese nahale tekitada mitte igavese, aga mõnda aega püsiva märgi. Osta see sodi ja tee ukse külge mingi konstruktsioon, mis ukse avades tulijale selle aine näkku läigatab. Kui Ameerika noortekomöödiates sellised asjad töötavad, miks mitte ka Prantsusmaa noorte magalas? :D Igatahes oleks see täiega lahe, kui ta tõesti peaks jalutama mitu päeva mööda ühikat sinine nägu peas. :D Ainult ise ei tohi sa oma lõksu langeda.
jajah. ma ise mõtlesin, et selleks nädalaks kui ära sõidan, panen tooli ukse ette vm ja märgin kuidagimoodi ära, kus ta täpselt paiknes. aga nende vedelike ja asjadega on siuke lugu, et ma olen ju nii skleroosis omadega, et jalutaks juba 5 minutit hiljem omaenda lõksu sisse ja kellele sellist asja veel vaja on ;)
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