We are here (21 EVS volunteers) for a little something and an internet pause...
I'll make it short cause I have no time: so far so good. Bad meals mixed with some lectures and on the other hand cool and fun people who have brought to me the real spirit of volunteering. It's great - I can actually communicate in French and if I can not no more, nobody makes faces if I change to English. In fact - there are some guys here that speak worse than me!!! I love this thing, it's inspiring. Where did I go wrong in Strasbourg I wonder...
Anyway I believe I will profit a lot from this session, meet new cool people and return a bit happier than before. And what really rules: we will go to a concert together AND visit Cluny. YAY!!! :D
Je suis trés contente!
In memoriam Alain Buffard
11 years ago
jee! estou muito contente sobre vocè! muito bom!:D
k6rvuni naeratust (seda nouavad nad siin multki pidevalt), tahtejoudu ja viitsimist ning hoia ikka lippu korgel!
thumbs up!
CLUNY! you're a lucky bitch... Tahan,tahan,tahan... lisaks sellele lahedate kulmudega kutile mu meditsiini ja religiooni loengus ka CLUNYsse... ai,ai,ai!!! aga tegelikult on ülivägatore ja rõõmustav kuulda, et sa seal silda viskad inspiratsioonist. Loodan, et tunne ei kao... oeh! kalli
Eyh t'as fait une faute dans le nom du département ! c'est Alsace nom de diou, sinon tes discours ne désamplissent toujours pas, et je vois que ta vaisselle est toujours faite à temps, c'est bien ... profite bien de Cluny si jamais tu vois ce message, sinon profite bien de la ville la plus froide de France, ou presque :p
"Tu sais qui"
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