Saturday, November 25, 2006

words <-> thoughts <-> actions

Thinking should not be taken for granted, even by those who don't do it very often. Thoughts usually appear as if from out of nowhere some say. Ideas! Yeah, rigt! The reason of most thoughts is something we heard or something we read about. The ideas of others. Ideas put into words.

So words should be even more deliberate than thoughts because they have the power to interact on others. Everyone knows what words can do, we wrote essays about it in basic school. Telling others to be careful with what they say has become such a banality that most of us don't even notice it any more. (Using the same words to tell the same things reduces their power?) Nevertheless, words can be interpreted in a million different ways and we should certainly keep in mind the fact that our interpretation is not the only one existing...
But that is not what I wanted to write about.

Thoughts have been racing in my head at the speed of light lately. All kinds of thoughts. Desperate, confused, surrendering, fighting, enlightened, funny, stupid, difficult, depressionist, egocentric thoughts. Sleep disturbing thoughts. Where they all come from? I'm not always sure myself. From what I've seen, read, heard, saw, felt. It's a synthesis of all and nothing. Most of them just fade into dust, erased by the new and better ones. Some of them I write down because I might need them later on. Some of them I say out loud (and rarely regret afterwards). But some of them I keep repeating in my head like a record: on and on and on again. The thoughts that have been going on for a long time without ever really stopping are the ones that I wanted to write about.

Because it's the ones that feel comfortable, the thoughts i'm used to, that appear in dreams and even in daydreams; it's the thoughts that lead to actions. I don't mean actions like brushing teeth or going out to have a beer with some friends. I mean actions that I've been thinking over, out and through for such a long time that at the end they become necessary for me to realise. Actions that enable me to move on, to other thoughts, leading to other actions. Actions that make me feel something. That make me feel better about myself and the ones surrounding me (the ones giving me those thoughts)...

Humorous, angry, mocking, provocative words leading to unsure, insecure, "pohhuistlik", self-confident, libertarian, depressionist thoughts and the tender vibration of a cutting-machine (tondeuse) on the back of my head...

What are we doing tomorrow Brain?


Maiu said...

tomorrow we'll all be kissing the same guy ;-) il faut qu'on parle!!!
tõesti mul on najakas paanika... ja hulle uudiseid pissiva poisi linnast. rien sera jamais le meme qu'avant... j'ai perdu mon cerveau.
okei, täna ma õpin terve apremi niiet olen ikka msn'is. praegy lähen poodi, kui sa vahepeal tuled ja loed, aga ühest kindlasti tagasi. on se parle aujourd'hui j'espère, sinon je mourrai en rigolant. tyra, elu on l-i-l-l!!!!
homme on a-la-ti parem ;-DDDDDDDD

Maiu said...

emmm... jajah. võta aga koolitöö kaasa saame koos olles mõlemad omas nurgas ma asja teha, mul on seda ka tonnnnnide kaupa lausa.
olen kokakoolahoolikuks saanud, laenan raamatukogust kõike, mida võiks nagu vaja minna, õnnistan oma zombistunud kohalolekuga iga loengut. fun-fun-fun
encore deux, merde trois semaines!
installatsiooni mõtet ei mäleta ma isegi, keegi vist üritas diip olla.
aga gogh on hea kunstnik.
ja saint nicolas on belgia eri teatavasti. ja on seitsmes detsember, või kuues? emmm... vat-vat, igaljuhul kuues on kommide ja nänni jagamine, meil ühele belgia õppejõule pandi kommikott ukse taha.

Maiu said...

njah, tegelt muidugi mitte, mul on kokakoola üledoos, või kuitäpsem olla siis originaalkoola, ja nüüd peaks magama minema, et homme hommikul kraps olla ja ilusti autoga sõita, et siis heas tujus tagasi koju jõuda ja referaat lõpuni kirjutada, sest kui see on valmis, on mul veel sadakümme asja virnast võtta, millega tegelema peaks. aga kokakoola ei lase ju maada, niiet läheb hommikukohviks. see ongi tegelikult elu mõte, eksole.
niiet tegelikult:
lihtsalt: tervitan sind, anastasia, sest sul on ehk tegevusel teine nimi, aga 110 ootab ka sind virnas.
ain't life grand?!

Maiu said...

ze laif iis kreit.
emmm, mul on homme eksam.
kuidas sul läks?

Maiu said...

pas de vionence, c'est les vacances!
kuidas kellel, eksole.
ootan rongi peale minekut ja teipisin aknaid. no on suusailm.
eniveis, nüüdsest loeme ametlikult päevi, eksole.
ja see, mis ma tegelikult öelda tahan, on see, et noh, vaata, kui kuidagi ei saa siis kuidagi ikka saab ja vhk läheb remonti ja homme on viimane aeg teda vanas valguses näha, niiet sa oled paratamatult hiljaks jäänud ja vanasõna eksib, aga mina lähen küll vaatama ja enne seda ühte salaasja tegema, millest sa võib olla saad kunagi teada ;-)
kodaraid kändudesse, veame kibeda lõpuni ja a dieu!
rong see sõitis tsuhh-tsuhh-tsuhh!!!
kas ma juba mainisin, et täna tunnen ma ennast ogaramana kui kunagi varem ja ostsin järjekordse raamatu, mille lugemiseks mul aega ei ole?! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... error, maie matiek...error... eeee-kool...eeeee-alkool

Maiu said...

violence muidugi

Maiu said...

mul on täna mingi melancholie au fond, täitsa prses.
aga 26. õhtul kohtume? ma tulen siis maalt tagasi?!