Tuesday morning I get a call from the work agency, they want to know if I'm free this week, in the afternoon I go there and come out with a four-day job in Zara.
Wednesday: 8h50 - it is the first day of "soldes", the store is ready to open earlier than usual. Inside, the team is making nervous jokes, some early shoppers are already waiting behind the doors. I will be working in the cabins today - distributing little
numbers and taking back the unwanted articles.
Everyone's really nice (except for the shoppaholics maybe) even though I'm a newbie and don't really know what to do. I find it hard to believe: me, working in Zara?! Me, working!!!
18h00 - my workday ends, I am completely tired and my legs hurt, but no time to stop and wine, I have some moving to do. I run home and pack my stuff, then take the bike and go looking for a supermarket with caddies. Riding a bike and pushing a caddy at the same time is quite a sport to do, but no time for walking.
20h00 Cath (my new post-strike friend) arrives and I make three tours between the caddy and my room (which is on the fourth floor) to get everything downstairs. It starts raining so we decide to take the tram. Today I'm moving most of my stuff to Mélanie's place - in a cool little apartment, not far from the centre and the train station.
Thursday: my last moments in the Gallia dormitory (I hope to come back!), I pack my last and most important things and say goodbye, bonnes vacances!
Moving for the second time, this time to Valentine's place because Mélanie can host me only from July. Her tiny apartment is right under the roof which makes that most of the rooms are triangular. And she has a stinky rat that is feeling lonely and needs taking care of. She herself isn't there so I eat her pancakes (otherwise they would go bad, I can't let good food go to waste, can I!), listen to her music (Louse Attaque!) and water her plants. Otherwise I'm too tired to do anything else, all those shopping people at work just take all my energy.
Friday: I'm starting to get to know my new temporary colleagues, they are funny and nice. And I'm wondering if Zara hires only beautiful and stylish people and only gay guys. Which is a shame (for me and all the girls in the world I mean) because those guys are damn great. This is just another proof of the theory about all the good men. Sigh...
I finish at 16h and buy myself a frozen pizza just because I'm so hungry after standing up and folding clothes all day and because I now have an oven to bake it! In the evening we go to the cinema with Mél to see "Paris je t'aime", which consists of many short films by different directors and the subject is meeting in Paris. So we see very different interpretations and styles and actors (Elijah Wood and Natalie Portman for example). Romantic, tragic, funny, thrilling, sad, freaky, fictional, etc...
Saturday: My last and longest day at work, but this time I am in the Traf section, which is a collection for the young and stylish and is probably the most peaceful (if you can say that at a sales period) part of the store. It makes me want to try things on, makes me want even more to be working full-time with the beautiful people. This time everyone makes an effort to finish early because it's the football night. And to celebrate my re-started vacations and also to relax after the long work, we go out for a beer with some of my (now ex-) colleagues. Afterwards I speed to the place where a mass of people are watching foot on a giant screen.
You should see what happens every time France wins (and I hope this was the last!!!). Streets and bars are full of happy people, screaming things like "allez les bleux" or just "yeaaah", roads are full of beeping cars, bleu-blanc-rouges waving everywhere. And that until at least 3AM...
I find it quite overexaggerated and slightly disturbing, but never mind that. I take some beer with Michelle, Manu and Roman by the river and then go to sleep.
Sunday: another moving, this time for real. Luckily Mélanie lives only some 200m from Valentine. This is my relaxing and watching tv.ee day. Good to do nothing and worry about nothing for a change.
Monday: taking care of some paperwork and job-issues and then I let myself give in a little and become that obsessed shopping person that I encountered in thousands in Zara. I just had to try on some Traf clothes to imagine what I would look like as a stiili-inimene (fashion person). Pheew, now it's done and I can be in peace. The rest of the day I spend downloading and watching movies ("Nu pagadi!"), eating and getting fat...
I hope that soon my routine will be changed again, but until then I enjoy my trankilou period. I also hope that someday I could become a real Zara team member, I wouldn't mind at all, in spite the aching feet and ill-mannered customers (oh yes, I have so much more respect for the number-giving and folding people from now on!)...
Wednesday: 8h50 - it is the first day of "soldes", the store is ready to open earlier than usual. Inside, the team is making nervous jokes, some early shoppers are already waiting behind the doors. I will be working in the cabins today - distributing little
numbers and taking back the unwanted articles.
Everyone's really nice (except for the shoppaholics maybe) even though I'm a newbie and don't really know what to do. I find it hard to believe: me, working in Zara?! Me, working!!!
18h00 - my workday ends, I am completely tired and my legs hurt, but no time to stop and wine, I have some moving to do. I run home and pack my stuff, then take the bike and go looking for a supermarket with caddies. Riding a bike and pushing a caddy at the same time is quite a sport to do, but no time for walking.
20h00 Cath (my new post-strike friend) arrives and I make three tours between the caddy and my room (which is on the fourth floor) to get everything downstairs. It starts raining so we decide to take the tram. Today I'm moving most of my stuff to Mélanie's place - in a cool little apartment, not far from the centre and the train station.
Thursday: my last moments in the Gallia dormitory (I hope to come back!), I pack my last and most important things and say goodbye, bonnes vacances!
Moving for the second time, this time to Valentine's place because Mélanie can host me only from July. Her tiny apartment is right under the roof which makes that most of the rooms are triangular. And she has a stinky rat that is feeling lonely and needs taking care of. She herself isn't there so I eat her pancakes (otherwise they would go bad, I can't let good food go to waste, can I!), listen to her music (Louse Attaque!) and water her plants. Otherwise I'm too tired to do anything else, all those shopping people at work just take all my energy.
Friday: I'm starting to get to know my new temporary colleagues, they are funny and nice. And I'm wondering if Zara hires only beautiful and stylish people and only gay guys. Which is a shame (for me and all the girls in the world I mean) because those guys are damn great. This is just another proof of the theory about all the good men. Sigh...
I finish at 16h and buy myself a frozen pizza just because I'm so hungry after standing up and folding clothes all day and because I now have an oven to bake it! In the evening we go to the cinema with Mél to see "Paris je t'aime", which consists of many short films by different directors and the subject is meeting in Paris. So we see very different interpretations and styles and actors (Elijah Wood and Natalie Portman for example). Romantic, tragic, funny, thrilling, sad, freaky, fictional, etc...
Saturday: My last and longest day at work, but this time I am in the Traf section, which is a collection for the young and stylish and is probably the most peaceful (if you can say that at a sales period) part of the store. It makes me want to try things on, makes me want even more to be working full-time with the beautiful people. This time everyone makes an effort to finish early because it's the football night. And to celebrate my re-started vacations and also to relax after the long work, we go out for a beer with some of my (now ex-) colleagues. Afterwards I speed to the place where a mass of people are watching foot on a giant screen.
You should see what happens every time France wins (and I hope this was the last!!!). Streets and bars are full of happy people, screaming things like "allez les bleux" or just "yeaaah", roads are full of beeping cars, bleu-blanc-rouges waving everywhere. And that until at least 3AM...
I find it quite overexaggerated and slightly disturbing, but never mind that. I take some beer with Michelle, Manu and Roman by the river and then go to sleep.
Sunday: another moving, this time for real. Luckily Mélanie lives only some 200m from Valentine. This is my relaxing and watching tv.ee day. Good to do nothing and worry about nothing for a change.
Monday: taking care of some paperwork and job-issues and then I let myself give in a little and become that obsessed shopping person that I encountered in thousands in Zara. I just had to try on some Traf clothes to imagine what I would look like as a stiili-inimene (fashion person). Pheew, now it's done and I can be in peace. The rest of the day I spend downloading and watching movies ("Nu pagadi!"), eating and getting fat...
I hope that soon my routine will be changed again, but until then I enjoy my trankilou period. I also hope that someday I could become a real Zara team member, I wouldn't mind at all, in spite the aching feet and ill-mannered customers (oh yes, I have so much more respect for the number-giving and folding people from now on!)...
go reds.
eniveis, j2lle n2dal t2is tiksunud ja m6ned n2od l6plikult lesta t6mmanud. nojah siis.
hetkeinspiratsiooniks on amelie nothomb methaphysique des tubes, mis eesti keelse t6lgituna on jumala lapsep6lv ehk nothing in common. tegemist on p2ris belgia kirjanikuga, kes on isegi kultuslikult kuulus. aga tundub t2iesti excellent.
minu viimane avastus ja nauding oli ka charlie and the chocolate factory, film siis.
ja must see on waking life.
before sunrise.
before sunset.
all about my mother.
ma ei tea.
m6tlen veel
muidu on k6ik fain, ainult yks vajalik autoga inimene on kadunud. ja t88st on mul kopp ees ja stress ruulib. aga nyyd ma ootan, et sa ytleksid go! ja saaks pileeti ostma minna.
kallistan k6vasti ja ootan kirja ja seda go!d
donc entre hier et aujourd'hui il y avais des nouvelles. mart a achete un ticket a berlin pour le 6 aout. il continuera son voyage avec sipsic jusqu'au aachen et puis, si on veut et il veut sipsic pourra venir avec ou rester la. moi, je me suis dis, que peut etre, just pour satisfier la curiosite!? kekse t'en penses?
et avec ca je voudrais te pousser a me dire quelque chose plus constructif par rapport a l'anniversaire.
et ps, tu te souviens de gerald de bougival? il m'as ecrit! en estonie bien sur, mais ce n'est pas une obstacle. bientot je saurai.
p6him6tteliselt v6ime ju tripi teistpidi ka teha, sina augusti alguses siia ja hmmm... kle m6tle t6siselt v6imalustele, the time is running out.
claque sur les fesses!
nyyd ma tean et tegelikult on satisfaire. eniveis. jeee itaalia, ja oi oi zinedine zidane (fashist).
ja barthezi poolt olin ka ikka natuke.
aga nyyd pean ma tegelikult t88le minema. j2lle. et m6ni asi ka otsa ei l6pe.
r22kisin eile mardiga telefonis. eesti rindel muutusteta.
kuidas see ikka nii on, et sina siin enam ei k2i?
igaljuhul. eile oli j2lle yks 'au revoir ja a dieu' yritus.
life is just a game of pool. v6iks 8elda... ja tydrukud tulevad napilt teiseks. v2hemalt sai 88sel jalutada ja l6puks autoga koju.
tundub et t2na on j2lle uni uni uni. comme d'habitude. m6ned asjad ei muutu kunagi, eks?
ja veel tahaks karjuda juhhei, uhhuuuu, jeee ja halleluuja, sest ilmad on nii ilusad ja nii saab piljardit v2ljas m2ngida.
muidugi iroonia tipuks see lehekylg ei avane mul v6i noh, pilti ei n2ita.
tant pis.
t2na on viimane 6htus88maaeg elkega. ja homme t88tan 6htust vahetust yksi.
elu ei saa enam paremaks minna. ei saa, ei saa... oi, kui hea on olla. varbavahed liiva t2is, pea m6tteid t2is, hing viha t2is ja syda... tyhi, mis tyhi, eitab oma eksistentsi.
elagu 14. juuli!
Dominique Simon - Faschist!
(mu ylemus)
Maiu Niineste - Esclave!
ost on tehtud, aga olude sunnil 4 august, sest 3 oli v2ljamyydud!!!!
ja pileti vahetamine maksab 20 eurot, targem on kohe 6igeks kuup2evaks osta, niiet vaata ise ja m6tle...
ja seoses mu hilisema tulekuga v6iks, aga ei pea lykkama natuke kaugemaks meie roadtrippi. nojah. eniveis, mul j2tkuvals pohhuistlik naeratus huulil. m2ngisin poes lolli, oli 3 ostad ja neljanda saad tasuta. ma ostsin kolm ja unustasin neljanda v6tmata. duuummmmyyy!
praegu l2hen cdsid paljundama. niiet muzi ja loen p2evi mil oleme taas koos!!!
j'etait draguee par un algerian aujourd'hui dans la queue pour les tickets. et apres il m'a suivi en parlant de ses bons cotes et son caractere. heh.
j'ai menti que j'ai un petit copin en estonie pour pas lui laisse mon numero de telephone.
t2na l2hen mere 22rde, et viia t2ide v2ikekodanlik unistus.
ostsin ka ilusa lillelise naf nafi kleidi. plaazhile minekuks valma. juhhei!
aga sind n2eme varsti. ja v6id mulle alati s6numeid saata...
muzi ja kalli ja ilusat n2dalat.
kuulan roisin murphy't, ja m6tlen, et miks elke mulle k6ik oma musta voodipesu kaela j2ttis ja kirja ei j2tnud, ega plaate, mis ta tegema pidi... nojah, olen nyyd yksik, ja iseseisev. aga mis siin ikka seista, kui eelmine reede fettis prantsusmaa, siis see reede meie rojaum. l2hen ilutulestikku vaatama. oma viimaste s6brariismetega. ehk on vahva, sest il faut que ca bouge!
nojah. ja pesu keerleb ka trumlis. ja ntx homse p2eva jooksul tahaks hirmsasti sulle helistada... sest homme olen asjalik.
muidu olen 2rap6lenud ja burzhuaasi idyllist tydinud. ja lastest tydinud. ja helekollastest seintest tydinud. ja halbadest uudistest tydinud.
v6ib olla on andres jumal?
ta keeraks igale yhele m6nuga... sitta siis.
esto m6ttes.
amelie nothombist niipalju, et teine raamat, mis ma talt lugesin oli v2ga kunstliku l6puga ja tundub, et ta on siiski belgia kodukootud coelho v6i brown.
aga j2rgmine raamat otsustab.
praegu oli robert des noms propres, anorkesikust balletti6pilasest, kelle ema tappis ta isa ja poos ennast peale lapse syndi yles.
emmm, entertain me!
see sai kyll imelik kommentaar. aga ootan endiselt su selgitust. ja yldiselt hoia k6va.
hendrik, see oleks juba liiast.
tsillime parem niisama, mis sa arvad?
2-4-6-12, loen p2evi.
t2na sain hakkama absoluutselt mitte millegagi. kas pole saavutus.
ehk siis biographie de la faim par amelie nothomb. ta tase taaskord t6useb mu silmis.
ja siis m6tlesin piercingutest ja sellest, et kui keegi veel kunagi ytleb mulle
tu es bizarre, mis igaljuhul v6rdub you are wierd, siis l6peb asi nagu alati. suubub homsesse.
einoh,nyyd l2hen tuttu 2ra.
je suis sure que demain sera comme toujours. rien a perdre et rien a gagner.
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