Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Things I Like [vol 2]

I like artistic correspndance by mail. It hasn't taken off too productively yet, but there are plenty of ideas. I should make a 'carnet des idées' to make sure I won't forget something important. The first thing I would probably write down would be a photo-film about the adventures of a back-pack who lost his backpacker. Maybe he shouldn't jump off tour Eiffel in the end, why not make a happy ending where he finds a real good buddy, a hitchhiker ;) (Xavier)
I also like Kinder Chocolate. Maybe a little too much. I never get enough.
I like practical evaluations at school where I can see all the works that the others have done departing from the same subject. They as well have lots of ideas. I would like to join the forces and make something unseen, but artists are egoists as they say, I don't know if it would work...
I like being home alone and cooking for myself and listening to loud music and dancing like Freddy/Eerik while shouting out "ja vabaduus. ja võrdsuus. ja vendlus. ja õugluus. ja pee-eeldiik..."
I like the short and precious moments of seeing Fred and being able to give him a huge kalli.
I like working under pressure: two days in a row studying till late and I'm not even tired :)
I like long and warm showers while everyone else are sleeping. I like taking coffee at the distributor at school and watching people in Palais Universitaire and in my year and wondering what are they planning to do with their art education.
I like the way Ombeline (the middle girl of 2,5 years) calls me something like 'hié' and I like the way the cathedral looks in the sunshine.


Maiu said...

heips, niiet yks tydruk on on the phone non-stop here, yritan mingi hetk vahele l6igata, praegu ta on oma toas maapaos, et me ikka ta poolakeelsest jutuvadinast aru ei saaks.
see psyhhoka cd oligi ju specially for you.
ja sinuga oli ka imetore r22kida. h22l nagu annul.
tegin ka esimese integreruva sammu, aga sellest l2hemalt over le telephone. je vais boire un the maintenant, a bientot, i hope.

Maiu said...

sain su kirja, ja v6tan asja k2sile ehk n2itan talle seda vestlust esimesel v6imalusel.
kunstiided.. uuuu... ma t6esti peaks selle asja ka k2sile v6tma

Anonymous said...

un thé a cette heure c'est pas tres serieux voyons.

Anastasia said...

see oli sulle mõeldud maiu and je peux pas lire.

at least i got a comment :)
thanks O.L. ;)

Maiu said...

6igus, sest ei taha kohe mingi slalaluureorganisatsiooni muljet j2tta. i got carried away.
meil on siin neli poolakat!!!! neli!!!
aga ma p2ris ei taibanud sinu blogimisi, ja mina enam yhikasse tartu kyll ei taha.
so yeah, time goes by...
mis kuup2vadel sa umbeski pariisi satud, c'est necessaire pour mes horaires next month. paistab, et j6ulud veedan ma lastega...
c'est rose, la vie

Anastasia said...

emm. no esiteks ma ei rääkinud tartu ühikast eksole.
teiseks seletan kirjas, millest tuleneb see blogimine ja reedetud tunne ja kolmandaks. arvan et 17-20, nende kuupäevade vahel kuskil satun sinna. miski pole kindel.

headache from kids and kurb meel muidu ka.

Maiu said...

emmm... pole jah ammu aega saanud, aga koik suurema kunsti nimel. kylastasin siin n2itust, eks ma kirjutan sulle kirjas ju... ja saadan m6ne toreda flaieri ja paljundan jne.
the letter is in progress. j2rgmise n2dala algul l2heb ka teele.
arvestan siis nende pariisikuup2evadega ja hmm... muidu kah. 2ra ainult KURVAsta!
l'horoscope - lion - travail, vous ne maitrisez pas votre nervostite. cela vous mene a prendre des decisions negatives et maldroites.
amour, des circonstances imprevues se presentent. agissez avec prudence.
sante, manque de sommeil.
niiet jah, see oli samedi et dimanche, on both days i got a telefonik6ne. quelqu'un se manque des immigrants. see vist ei tee sens'i praegu.
aga polegi t2htis.
ela h2sti
sure pysti
matame sind
kiss and kill
kirjuta mulle blogisse
ma l2hen t2na parki