I know that I write a lot about how things are not going well and so on. You would think I'm a bitter old bitch who's never happy with anything, so I better change a little of style and write about the things that I like.
The first thing on my mind at the moment is school - Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg and my field of Arts Visuels. I really like Palais Universitaire - the building of arts - it's huge and beautiful and has this artistic feeling to it. (Here's the view from the outside, from the inside and from behind with the park.)
A little about the subjects: my favorite out of all theory classes is the Actuality and Perspectives of Contemporary Art. I learn a lot, see new things and hear new names and what's most interesting - everything we learn is about Now, no history, no old conservative guys fighting about whether painting is more important than poesy or vice versa.
Then there's monsieur Goulon, my teacher in Atelier Gravure and Atelier Polyvalent. He is the best teacher ever, who knows exactly what he wants and how to get it to make our classes as productive as possible and show us the way to knowledge:) Plus, he doesn't stop making all these sarcastic (not really French-like) jokes. It's always fun and educating. He knows everything we'd get the impression.
In Gravure, our first assignment was to make an autoportrait, print it on a blank postcard and mail it to him. After that we were making nude croquis, which as I've learned is quite rare here.
In Atelier Polyvalent we have the whole semester to make a personal work and a research on the subject. I guess it's a good training for our final projects, but unfortunately I haven't had time to really work on that yet. I am researching the movement of Mail Art and my work was supposed to be a huge post pack with as many stamps as it takes to mail me to Belgium (it is actually impossible, I already asked at the post office. I should loose more than 30kg to make it, tant pis pour moi). When I told about this idea to M. Goulon he didn't seem to be superinspired so maybe I should get a new one... But what???
Another great class is English: we sit in a circle and talk, every week two studens have to present their personal work. It's very interesting to find out what others are doing and what they think. To me it's a real zen relax class where I can sit back and feel good.
Of course there are plenty of other subjects (12) and teachers, but as I decided to keep up a positivist line, I'd rahter not write about all the boring, stressful, difficult things.
i possibly have aucune idee, as to which asi is mitte nii hull. sest asju oli mitu. so i'm waiting impatiently deja. muud juttu> mul on KYO poster. vuihhm je les deteste, aga asi oli p6him6ttes. huvitav, kas on olemas kolmas inimene, kes meie blogikommentaare loeb ja asjast ymmarguseltki taipab, sest see oleks nagu avalik ja megaaeglane msn juba.
pst, kuidas kahelt pallilt kolmele liikuda joggelingis?
sest ma oskan kahe palliga vaheldumisi, kord vasak alustab, kord parem, juba t2itsa sujuvalt.
muidugit tuleb kolmas pall varastada for starters.
deem, murran oma uut põhimõtet oma blogi mitte kommida (kui rõve sõna). nagunii keegi teine peale sinu ei loe ja veel vähem siis muud... kirjutan iseenda lõbuks ja selline dialoog on ikka huvitavam kui msn/meil (liiga mitteavatud laiale publikule).
kolmas pall: võta ntx paremasse kätte 2 ja alusta selle käega. viskad ühe, siis teise ja siis kolmanda. kõik kukuvad maha. alustad uuesti. kui sul kahega asi käes on siis peaxid mingi hetk tunnetama et kus see kolmas käima peaks. katseta.
seni kuni 3.dat ei ole võid ju teha endale soki-bolas oma kahest pallist. head demineerimist! ;)
kiri läheb homme hommikul teele.
ps: mul on hea meel, et on olemas vähemalt üks inimene kes mu blogis kommenteerimas käib, even if it's rien à voir avec minu jutud ;)
i tink.. no i'm quite sure that my counter has this exageration problem. because the numbers keep rising without any visitors what so ever.
or maybe someone who happens to wander on my blog, amuses him/herself by 'actualiser la page' a gazillion times.
or maybe, possibly it's just because i visit this page 10 times per day to see if someone has left a comment and have to be sadly disappointed each and every time... :(
megairw@the last comment
ma tegelt käin siin kogu aeg- st tihti. aga ma olen liiga laisk, et kommenteerida ise. kuna sa minu unustatud blogis olid oaasiks kõrbes, tundsin sellllist tänutunnet, et lausa pidin oma tunded sõnadesse valama.
päikest! (mida minu praeguses residentsriigis ei ole... olemas)
donc ma cherie, neeme kiri on megasupridee ja postkaardile m6tlsin isegi, et ehk nagu eee...a nun igesen'i tervata.
veel, su kirja pole nagu mu blogist lugeda v6ib.
tunne on yldine sitt hetkel. v6i noh, nyyd juba pisut leebunud, sest m6ni inimene avaldas ka oma sitta tunnet ja see m6ni peakski seda tundma.
kirjas seletan
ja koopiad tulevad seekord kindlastim maksku, mis maksab.
joggelingiga eriti tgeleda ei ole saanud,
homme on vaba p2ev ja ylhomme tuleb joel. ajee, eesti pruul.
kannatan kultuurishokki all, aga v6tan asja jumalahuumori nurga alt.
at least it's an experience, alateadlikumat voolu esindavad tundeavaldused minu uues blogijutus, mida v6id vabalt kommida.
musi ja kalli ja tervita fredi.
ou bien, salut fred!
Täiesti suvaliselt sattusin ülikooli pildi tõttu siia ja üllatuseks avastasin, et tegemist on eestlasega:D
Mind hakkas samuti see ülikool huvitama, kohe väga. Äkki viitsid mulle rääkida, kuidas seal on ning mismoodi sa sinna said.
Ette tänades,
Igaks juhuks: lauralainvae@hot.ee
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