We have had two day-offs recently: Friday and today. And ironically enough, it was raining on both days. On Friday we were planning to go up on the Tour Eiffel because Emmaus promised to pay us back all the tourist-sightseeing stuff and all the tickets we need for getting around in Paris. We gave up on that Eiffel-idea pretty quickly cause it was very wet and foggy, so we thought that why not do that on Sunday instead... We took our great cheap Rosé and Camembert and headed straight for the most beautiful place there is - Montmartre. There we had a little picnic right in front of the Sacre Coeur, enjoying a moment of blue sky and the spectacular view. After that we went for a walk in the neighborhood and by a lucky accident found a circus shop with cool and good-looking sale-guys. There we both bought ourselves diabolos. That was actually one of the many reasons why I wanted to come to France, because there are no such things on sale in Estonia; Maiu just couldn't resist the temptation of getting one as well because it's highly addictive. And by the way our practicing is going now - we will be truly professionals by the time we get back home!!! :)
Today we didn't even bother to consider the Eiffel Tower and went straight to Montmartre, where we sat in a quiet corner right in front of the house where Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Dali, Renoir and other artists used to hang out. There we thought about how beautiful life really is, which is a usual thought for us after we started the tradition of Montmartre-picnics.
After that we tried to find the café called Deux Moulins, the same place where "Amélie" was made, but no luck... Then we decided to follow the yellow arrows on the pavement that lead the way all over Montmantre just for fun and to see where we might end up (secretly hoping that it would be behind the door of a good-looking Nino-guy who drew the arrows). Instead we ended up in a café, drinking beer with two crazy Belgium guys and having a conversation in English, French, German and Russian at the same time; I ended up being proposed to by a marquee and eventually we ditched them as "coincidentally" as we found them. That was lots of fun. After that we had our second picnic on the mountain and now we're back in Bougival... Soon going to sleep because tomorrow is work-day, we must get up early and be perfectly fresh too, we need our beauty-sleep ;)...
Bon nuit!!!
In memoriam Alain Buffard
11 years ago
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