The free-lance teachers of the Arts section in Marc Bloch university found out last Friday that they have worked as volunteers without knowing since January, some even since September. So all the Arts (visual arts, theatre, music and cinema) teachers decided to go on a strike to fight for the rights of their non-aggregated colleagues. And not only.
Now that the teachers are on strike, we don't have any classes (who knows how long it will last) so most of the students are actively supporting the strike. Even though the president of the university announced Monday evening that the salaries will be payed, it was already decided (with the Arts section's director in the front row) to go on and further, to get better conditions and not be treated as a secondary section/education.
So now the free-lancers are giving inerviews to the press, the students distribuing flyers and painting signs to inform people, musicians playing in the streets. Many actions (like packing city sculptures into plastic/paper, street expositions, human chain, as well as other performances and manifestations) are being planned.
It is hard to say how long this will last or what will be gained (if anything), but the value of arts and culture in the society seems to have been put under question. How far will the action go and what impact will all this have on our schoolyear (which was supposed to end in already five weeks)? I keep asking myself as many others do...
I am still trying to make up my mind about these recent events. No comments to give for the moment I guess.
PS: maybe this is it?