Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I Will Survive

So what's going on in my life lately?
I'm fine, thanks for asking! A bit too sweaty-sticky: it's heatwave in France and it's horrible. If anyone hates hot humid weather, don't come here! Go to London - there at least it's cold humid... Or Africa, even better (Sahara!) - no humidity what so ever! Or if you don't want then just stay where you are and continue doing nothing interesting with your life.

I have had quite a few interesting/funny/sad stories and incidents with Mme Perrin (about her you can read below) and her husband the Big Boss. Stuff concerning for example my work contract that ended before my EVS project, so I've been officially thrown out of the school now because, since I don't work, I have no right to live there and - after all - Lucie Berger is not a hotel! Plus I dared to host Maiu in my room and of course I didn't work and so on... And as it comes out in the end: I'm such a horrible person that you better stop knowing me and not read this blog ever again!
You have been warned.

Now I have no work, so I'm just reading
Tintin books, not doing much and time after time trying to find a job for the next year. Getting independant is hard! If someone has done it (and I mean like own money and living - the whole package), tell me how! I need to know your secret people!

And the big moral of today is: eat vegetables, don't play with fire and trust only yourselves!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Tu Sais Quoi?

Maiu said that I could write in French... Are you sure that it wouldn't bother you??? Paske je peu même écrire en langage d'ordi, ça me derange pa, mai la question C si il ia des personne ki compren ce ke je veu dir ou pa... :p
Oué je sai, je me la pète. Jarrete ttd suite. Voilà !

Don' t tell me it's not annoying when people write like that! It's annoying me as well because this has become the only way I can write in French. It's easier too, that's why - no difference in person, sex or other useless grammar stuff that they never even pronounce anyway. It's a question of being lazy or not. Guess under which do I categorize :p

It's a pity that I can't put photos up (stupid LB mind-controlled computers!) because otherwise I would put some things for vengeance. Anyway, if you're bored you can always see for yourself who's photos I want to expose to every reader because he did it with me and didn't ask my permission and I don't like the pic either: (for anyone who was irritated by my first paragraph I suggest not to look at the texts included)

Some news of Lucie Berger life maybe? Tomorrow is the last workday before a little - and not unwelcome - break. My project is slowly coming to an end, so are the others'. Diana will be the first one to leave us and this lovely, heavenly school-prison. Tomorrow evening we are organising a big dinner-party of "family and friends". I'm making kartulisalat. They better like it. And if not, c'est pas grave [pole hullu, tõlk.] - Diana will make lots of paella and Keiko prepares sushi.
Oh and: if anyone is interested in longer descriptions (as in old style me), let me know. At the moment I'm feeling flightly hovering in a grizz of thoughts and just writing whatever comes to my mind.

I don't know why I just remembered it... I guess it was because of the song "Where Is My Mind"... I know that certain people might say that it's a trash movie (yeah, well I didn't find "Mulholland Drive" too great:p), but it's still cute and romantic and all that cheezy girly stuff, and I've been wanting to re-see it for too long!!! If some of you are now burning with curiosity to know what am I talking about, here's a little hint:

I hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick
it even makes me rhyme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
even worse when you make me cry
I hate it that you're not around
and the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don 't hate you
not even close, not even a little bit, not even any at all
written by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith

Give us a big AAAAAWWWW!!! :)

And to conclure I must still answer the unanswered question, which probably isn't even a real question but just a secret message out in the wilderness (knock knock Neo):

Tu sais quoi?
-> tu es le plus mignon et le plus beau petit prince alias superboy du monde et univers même, et je suis serieuse moi et je ment pa et je suis folle amoureuse aussi et... et enfin... TOI quoi!!! :p